Write In Between

Monday, October 30, 2006

Cast all your cares

Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you.-- 1 Peter 5:7.

I've just inscribed that verse on the new cast my daughter is wearing on her left wrist. She has an unfortunate case of severe tendonitis and an inflamed wrist joint. Such are the perils of competitive Varsity volleyball in the life of a 16 year-old. This misfortune occurs just as the regular season ends and the state divisional tournament begins. In her mind, it is exactly the wrong timing for her and her team. Fortunately, her coach and teammates were understanding about it, but it's still a major bummer. What's worse, her induction ceremony for the National Honor Society, and her Junior Ring Day--super special events scheduled in the next few weeks--will now be accompanied by a major fashion accessory faux pas--a clunky blue cast from the knuckles to the elbow.

Pain, ice, x-rays, ibuprofen, splints, and doctor visits all confirmed what we already knew: my daughter's volleyball season is suddenly over. She is thrust into a new season: one of healing and recovery.

How often are our own lives like that? One moment things are going great, and the next moment, there's an accident, a death, a lab report, a phone call, or a turn of events that changes everything and we are thrust into a season of the unexpected?

What do we do? Where can we go for help? To The Source. The Him in whom we Cast all our anxieties upon. He is The One who knows us more intimately than we even dare to know ourselves. The Lord of all, the Keeper of our Souls, and the Healer of Hearts and the Mender of all that is broken.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Loving the Bride, vol 1

Something old... (mining treasures from the generations of faith before us)

None of these things is hid from you, if ye perfectly possess that faith and love towards Christ Jesus which are the beginning and the end of life. For the beginning is faith, and the end is love. Now these two, being inseparably connected together, are of God, while all other things which are requisite for a holy life follow after them. No man [truly] making a profession of faith sinneth; nor does he that possesses love hate any one. The tree is made manifest by its fruit; so those that profess themselves to be Christians shall be recognised by their conduct. For there is not now a demand for mere profession, but that a man be found continuing in the power of faith to the end.

---The Epistle of Ignatius of Antioch to the Ephesians (approx. 107 AD) on his way to martyrdom.

Something New…. (recent teachings, news items,interesting tidbits)

I live in a large parish where this new instruction might present challenges on a busy Sunday morning. I wonder how this will play out. The installation of acolytes (of which our parish has none) seems to be the solution.

Something Borrowed…. (material from other blogs)

From Amy Welborn’s blog, a note about the cause for sainthood for Bishop Fulton Sheen.

Something Blue... (something Marian = related to Our Lady)

Two entries from The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC):

Devotion to Mary

971 "All generations will call me blessed": "The Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship."515 The Church rightly honors "the Blessed Virgin with special devotion. From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin has been honored with the title of 'Mother of God,' to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and needs. . . . This very special devotion . . . differs essentially from the adoration which is given to the incarnate Word and equally to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and greatly fosters this adoration."516 The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an "epitome of the whole Gospel," express this devotion to the Virgin Mary.517

Mary - Eschatological Icon of the Church

972 After speaking of the Church, her origin, mission, and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary. In her we contemplate what the Church already is in her mystery on her own "pilgrimage of faith," and what she will be in the homeland at the end of her journey. There, "in the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity," "in the communion of all the saints,"518 the Church is awaited by the one she venerates as Mother of her Lord and as her own mother.

In the meantime the Mother of Jesus, in the glory which she possesses in body and soul in heaven, is the image and beginning of the Church as it is to be perfected in the world to come. Likewise she shines forth on earth until the day of the Lord shall come, a sign of certain hope and comfort to the pilgrim People of God.519

515 Lk 1:48; Paul VI, MC 56.
516 LG 66.
517 Cf. Paul VI, MC 42; SC 103.
518 LG 69.
519 LG 68; Cf. 2 Pet 3 10.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

New Features coming to this Blog!

2008 update!! You may have noticed that I've discontinued "Loving the Bride"... for a few reasons... I think there are many more informative blogs out there... and because access to Catholic new services are pretty easy to read and you don't need my filter to find what is interesting. So, for the moment, I'm suspending that feature.

This blog is a year old and I'm considering branching out. It's been a place for some writing, some thinking, some journaling. Each week as a grad student, I spend many hours delving into theology and all things Catholic-- besides living the hectic life of MOM. I expect that writing that's been the mainstay of this blog to continue, but I'd like to try to grow it a bit and be more resourceful--given the wealth and beauty that is at my disposal in my studies and in daily life. I'd like to serve my readers with information that may lead to better adult formation in the Catholic faith--after all, that's why I am doing a Masters in Theology! But I don't expect this to be a classroom or an overly intellectual pursuit. I'd prefer this to be more like friends sharing coffee or a couple of beers and talking about something great that they've read.

And so, I'd like to introduce the following features....

Writer's Wednesdays: This will be my opportunity to share snippets of some of the great theological works that I'm currently reading. And hopefully, it will be a place to inspire you with the written word--so you can become closer to The Word--penned by much deeper thinkers with much better credentials than little ol' me. Writer's Wednesdays will post on, uh, Wednesdays. See the post below.

Loving the Bride: The cornerstone of this blog is Christ. And so, I'd like to make a better effort to stand for him. Since The Church is the Bride of Christ, and Christ is never separated from his Church, I'd like to offer a weekly feature that spotlights all things Catholic. Remember that old rhyme that described what the bride wore?

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?

I'd like to mix it up a little each week with fun Catholic facts, theological insights, links from other Catholic blogs, and items that interest me (and hopefully you!) regarding the Church today.

For example:

Something old--this will be some teaching or interesting tidbit
from Church history from the early Church Fathers, or, let's say, anything
before Vatican II. Here we will mine treasures from the generations of faith
that came before us.

Something new--this might be a recent teaching from Rome, current
theology, or a news items that relates to Catholics.

Something borrowed--this will be interesting links taken from around the Catholic blogosphere

Something blue--This will be dedicated to Our Lady and will focus on
Marian devotions, teachings, and prayers.

Loving the Bride will post Fridays.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Writer's Wednesday -- Joseph Ratzinger (now Benedict XVI)

Theology is never simply the private idea of one theologian. If it were, it could count for little, for as a private idea it would sink rapidly into insignificance.

On the contrary, the Church, as a living subject which endures amid the changes of history, is the vital milieu of the theologian; the Church preserves faith’s experiences with God. Theology can remain historically relevant only if it acknowledges this living environment, inserts itself into it and attains an inner participation in it. It follows that the Church is not an organization which the theologian must regard as alien and extrinsic to thought. Insofar as the Church is a corporate subject which transcends the narrowness of individuals, she is the condition which makes theological activity possible.

It is thus evident that two things are essential for the theologian. First, the methodological rigor which is part and parcel of the business of scholarship; in this regard….philosophy, the historical disciplines and the human sciences as privileged partners of the theologian. But he also needs the organic structure of the Church; he needs that faith which is prayer, contemplation and life. Only in this symphony does theology come into being.

-- “The Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian” from The Nature and Mission of Theology by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Greatest Hits --First Anniversary Edition

This past week Write In Between celebrated its first anniversary. Special thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement this past year. I am grateful for your presence here--especially those who have found this blog through my articles on CatholicMom.com or CatholicExchange.com. This blog gets between 300 and 500 visits a month. My stats indicate that many of you are loyal visitors--about a third of you come back weekly or monthly to see what I'm up to. Your comments are welcome. Again, thank you for coming by!

Here's a look back at some of my favorite posts this past year:

Beatitude is learning the walk of a saint while I am still stuck in a sinner's shoes. Complete post

Finding Jesus within my in-betweens means I don’t have to justify my existence...The dignity of being means that my life is precious right now, just as it is. Just to be is holy...And so I must choose to live in the freedom of that understanding, not waiting for the next step, the next job, the next phase, the next year, the next you-name-it. Complete post

Suddenly it all clicked. The rosary was something well suited to my stay-at-home life. I could pray it while nursing a baby, or while driving doing errands, or standing at the sink up to my elbows in dishes. I could teach it to my children and tell them the stories of Jesus and Mary. God’s blueprint for salvation was all there in the mysteries! Complete post

It all comes down to this: every day, there is always a reason to be on your knees. I truly believe that intercession, praying intentionally for others and ourselves, is a holy work. And just when I think my bad-news-o-meter is reaching overload, when my overwhelming desire is to just be underwhelmed, something comes to my rescue. Complete post

Some days, its the little things that just keep me laughing at myself and with God...Like the other day I attended a pot-luck lunch -- all the ladies brought some impressive home cooking creations. Me--I've been studying all week for a midterm--who has time to cook? I brought a soup tourine filled with my favorite heated Progresso canned soup! Three women marveled at the recipe! I laughed to myself at why I often get so twisted about making an impression...Complete post

Occasionally, we forgot that puppy proofing is as important as baby proofing. Alas, an AWOL packing peanut from the latest Amazon order was lurking under the dishwasher… and that became “Emergency vet visit #1 (don’t ask why we number them)” ... Complete post

Sometimes, when I am at Mass, and especially when I am missing someone I love, I imagine Jesus being the invisible link through the distance to that other person. Complete post

Fresh strawberries. Dark chocolate. Complete post

I never "rushed" my children to grow up. It was OK to linger until one was absolutely ready. But whether I wanted to embrace it or not, adolescence came right on schedule. Complete post

A small miracle was taking place in the hearts of all who prayed for this baby. Grown-ups and children alike began to see little Will, as their Christ Child this season — even if he missed his starring role in the Nativity play. Complete post

The Essentials: What are they, really, when I go before the Lord in prayer? Me + Him = the Relationship. Everything else is optional or non-essential. Complete post

My husband is keeping a scorecard when it comes to the winter snowstorms this year. It's not how many inches we are getting, but how many mailboxes on our street will be taken down by the town plows this time? Complete post

Longing is based on a secure knowledge that we are "together" even when we are apart. Longing awaits a reunion. Longing implies faith, hope and love. Loneliness, on the other hand, springs from the well of insecurity. It questions faith, forgets to hope, and turns inward, away from love. Complete post

Edit me, Lord Jesus! I am a creative work in your hands. Let my life reflect your Word, and not (so many of) mine. Amen. Complete post

Without trying to sound like a celebrate-the-moments-of-your-life advertisement, there’s just something tangibly important about the friends we choose, who bring warmth and companionship to our lives. Complete post

Its also sad to say that sometimes I'm more of a road warrior than a prayer warrior. Complete post

O Jesus, how imperfectly I keep my attentions while your attentions never waver or falter. Complete post

Discipline. Has the same root as "disciple." Complete post

You delight in their arrival, never grow tired of the ways they grow, and yet, you are still surprised when they do. You fight with them, fight for them, and then fight the tears when you learn the truth: you’ve worked all along to put yourself out of a job, and succeeded. Complete post

Depending on which side of the plate you are on, "strike out" can have different meanings. Complete post

I never thought this email thing, (and all things cyber) would ever catch on with me. Complete post

...fun being defined as frequent, unbridled, nonsense. Complete post

There are days that we meet our destiny straight on, and it's not a pretty sight. Complete post

College cafeteria food is not made for middle-age, hormonal women. Complete post

And the tears came. And I had to just yield to them...grateful I had pulled over, shrouded in the quiet womb of my automobile. For, indeed, it was the womb breaking forth that I needed to reckon with... my first-born leaving for college soon. Complete post

I'm learning more than ever that I have limitations and that means I have to lean more into Christ. Complete post

I came as a pilgrim that day to honor people I have never met in a town I never heard of, but will now never forget. Complete post

For my part, I did what I could for her and now I let her go to God. I will miss her smile and her company, but I will forever be enriched by her influence. Complete post

The little I know of her is that she loved to go camping. And often invited friends who were non-campers along for the fun. (Sounds like my kind of gal.) Complete post

The little mortifications of housework and family care were meant to sanctify me, to do the work on my soul that God intended. Complete post

There's a tipping point between effectively managing chaos and not. I'm on NOT today. Complete post

Let me catch your eye that you might see something more.
Complete post

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Follow Up: Madonna broadcast will be edited

Here's a follow-up to an earlier post regarding Catholic and Christian bashing by media personalities Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna.

American Family Association reports that the broadcast of Madonna's concert video that mocks the crucifixion will be edited. Read the article yourself. Thanks to all who supported the efforts to make this happen. Of course, in my mind I would have preferred that NBC not air the program at all.

It's just another reminder that you CAN make a difference regarding the media's use.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Beauty in All Things

"The beauty of Creation reflects the infinite Beauty of the Creator."
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 341)

I live in New England--the quintessential capital of stunningly beautiful fall foliage. These cool, brisk days bring my sweaters out of hiding and a fondness for taking works breaks in the great outdoors just to drink in the beauty of my neighborhood. It renews me. I feel closer to God somehow in the midst of the majesty of creation. Watching falling leaves inspires me. I see the Artist's hand in their form and function. They speak to me in a rather mystical way.

By looking more closely at my surroundings, I see anew the ordinary objects in my daily life. They, too, preach a sermon and have a hidden beauty that only the eyes of love can see. Dishes in the sink reflect that we are eating well. Shoes piled up at the front door tell the story of family homecomings after the day's events. The indentations of sofa pillows hint at favorite gathering places.

Just as all creation echoes God's glory, and the love in family does indeed do the same, the creative acts of men and women are capable of revealing beauty. I've heard it said that beauty is truth reflected. The Catechism echoes this regarding art, music and the written word:

"Created "in the image of God," man also expresses the truth of his
relationship with God the Creator by the beauty of his artistic works.
Indeed, art is a distinctively human form of expression; beyond the search
for the necessities of life which is common to all living creatures, art is
a freely given superabundance of the human being's inner riches. Arising
from talent given by the Creator and from man's own effort, art is a form of
practical wisdom, uniting knowledge and skill, to give form to the truth of
reality in a language accessible to sight or hearing. To the extent that it
is inspired by truth and love of beings, art bears a certain likeness to
God's activity in what he has created. Like any other human activity, art is
not an absolute end in itself, but is ordered to and ennobled by the
ultimate end of man. (CCC #2501)


The fine arts, but above all sacred art, "of their nature are directed
toward expressing in some way the infinite beauty of God in works made by
human hands. Their dedication to the increase of God's praise and of his glory
is more complete, the more exclusively they are devoted to turning men's minds
devoutly toward God." (CCC #2513)

This brings me to my current musings regarding the sacred art and liturgical vessels that I see week to week at church. These days I am looking more closely for meaning in their form and function, trying to uncover the truth revealed by their beauty.

I regularly visit the adoration chapel in my parish church. The chapel's focus is the exposed presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. And recently, as I sat praying alone with Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament, I noticed the flickering flame sanctuary candle's light. It's beauty was in its simplicity. Made by human hands, its gives witness to Who and What is present. And it "spoke" to me, much in the same way I described the autumn leaves and household objects. The sculptured art of the monstrance (the vessel that contains the exposed Holy Eucharist) drew me in even more. It too had "a voice," and it had a deeper message than the lamp. And so, allow me to conclude with some poetry that I have written about the light and the monstrance.

It is my hope that you will take a look around you and reflect on where you find beauty and why. But more important, I pray that you will reflect True Beauty in a life well-lived. For while the objects the poetry describes are inanimate, your life in Christ is animated by the life of the Spirit.

Sanctuary Lamp

I stand here straight and tall
A silent gentle flicker.
A reminder:
"The light is on, come on in."
Someone is home.

I illuminate the way
But I am not the Way.
I point to the One who made me.
He is here in this place,
in this moment.

I only hope to be a light
In His Presence which is
All Light, All Holiness;
To be aflame in this sanctuary
Burning until I am consumed.



Look straight to my center.
Hidden treasure awaits you,
So do not distract your gaze.
I may be golden, ornate, and bejeweled--
Not for my own beauty,
But to show Beauty.

Let me catch your eye
That you might see something more.
I am elevated that you might
See the Eye of Him who beholds you now.
He is my center--my reason to be.
My form is but a delicate embrace
To bear this Treasure within.

Look straight to my center.
Be drawn in.
Be with the Holy Presence.
And then, become.
Become one who beholds True Beauty.
Become one who bears this Treasure within.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Painting Myself into a Corner

My husband is getting underfoot. Or, more properly stated, his chore list is not intersecting with mine very well.

For you mothers out there, remember when you were trying to get your chores done, or a special project completed, but your little ones' needs keep you busy instead? (Of course, people before things...) Well, I have the opposite "problem." My kids are in school all day, but my husband is home due to a chosen stint of unemployment to find time to look for a "local" job, having previously had a job that demanded way too much travel.

Now, I love this man, enjoy his company and really, there's nobody I'd rather spend a day with. But his chores (besides the findingajob one) are demanding much of my time and collaboration. He has chosen this down time of unemployment to reconnect with his inner-toolman. It's the old trade-off of time and money. Right now, he has the time. In spades.

We are ripping up an old stairway, putting in new steps, bannisters and balusters, ripping up two old floors and installing two new ones, one tile, one wood. The dust is flying and so is my paint and stain brush. But not my schoolwork, my writing, and certainly not my housework. I'm quite a bit behind in my schoolwork (my part-time job) and I am struggling with that.

Right now, our home has more destruction than construction. Through the dusty haze I'm patiently visualizing the completed job. In the meantime, I'm playing Al to Tim the Toolman. I'm on week 3 of smelling stain, polymers, and polyurethane, having previously done the thankless job of scraping down old wallpaper and restoring the walls with fresh primer. The living room is currently uninhabitable due to the supplies, tools and other construction debris--and that's not even the room we are working on. My work clothes need a break and my skin is past the breakout stage here.

There's a tipping point between effectively managing chaos and not. I'm on NOT today. I'm trying to be patient with the slow process and be cheerful about how great its all coming along.I guess I thought these were gonna be "his" projects, and I'd be able to continue doing my own work. Somehow it became a we-thing, and here we are. I know he needs me to be his community right now since there is no job and no daily fellowship. This is a phase. And working at a task every day is good for everyone.

Pray that I don't paint myself into a corner by under appreciating this man's effort.

(And if you don't mind, say a prayer that he finds gainful employment in the next few months. Thanks!)

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Book Review: The Heart of Motherhood

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, a Catholic mother of five and a journalist, writes an introspective book about the virtues of Catholic motherhood, The Heart of Motherhood, (The Crossroads Publishing Company, 2006). Recalling her own personal conversations and communications with then-Mother Teresa of Calcutta, now Blessed Teresa, Donna-Marie wrote this book that speaks of the heart and attitudes that women can aspire to as they perform their daily duties as mothers.

Donna-Marie's perspective is one of prayerful encounter with Christ within one's own home. Mothers often experience this as they serve their family in what Donna-Marie calls this "ordinary, yet quite extraordinary" vocation. Extolling the benefits and beatitudes of mothers, and in particular, stay-at-home mothers, the book draws on the classic examples of the Blessed Virgin Mother and Catholic mothers who are canonized saints. Less of a "how-to" and more of a"what-can-be" meditation, The Heart of Motherhood calls women to go deeper in prayer and personal sanctity within their vocation. Donna-Marie carefully weaves modern reflections from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, the late Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, with her own anecdotes and prayers about this state in life.

The Heart of Motherhood calls women who are mothers to an interior life that is designed to produce saints, while living the external life that raises them. This book follows her previous book, Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Why I am a Catholic -- a short video -- thumbs up!

Take 5 and watch Why I am a Catholic. Thanks to Danielle Bean for posting the link.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Rosie and Madonna are mocking Catholics! Let's send our own message--loud and clear!

I'm a 46 year old hormonal woman. Even on a good day, you don't wanna mess with my loved ones, my pope, or my faith. But I cannot stand by and watch the anti-Catholic and anti-Christian bias in today's media go by without comment.

I spent a decade or so in radio broadcasting before the years of federal deregulation and the relaxation of the decency rules of the FCC. (Remember when there was a George Carlin comedy routine about "the seven dirty words you couldn't say on TV"? Yeah, that's what I mean.) Today, any person can say almost anything in front of a microphone or camera and get away with it. (i.e. the crude language and perverse antics of the original shock-jock Howard Stern is a good example.) Regardless of whether or not it defames someone else, or demeans someone's faith. There once was taboos regarding the oversexualizing the media--for the sake of our children, etc. There was respect for opposing viewpoints, so that there could be dialogue on issues that affected the common good. Now, we are lost in polemics.

Now, its a game of who can lob the bigger grenade--creating the biggest sensation of the moment. We've had two such grenades launched into the laps of Catholics (uh, maybe because the lapse of Catholics makes us easy targets?) in recent days that I cannot ignore.

Let's start with Rosie O'Donnell, the newest member of the panel on The View. This week on the show, Rosie spews incorrect information regarding the Pope --accusing him of perpetuating the Catholic sex scandal, when Pope Benedict XVI--then Cardinal Ratzinger-- did much to clean up the mess of the scandal. The Catholic League is a very reputable organization that deserves our support as they defend the Pope in the face of this smear job. Read their recap of the scenario and defense of BXVI here. Feel free to send an email to Bill Geddie who co-produces the show with Barbara Walters, requesting a broadcast apology for smearing the pope. You can reach Bill Geddie at bill.geddie@abc.com.

In a similar vein, Madonna's mocking of the crucifixion of Christ is still set to air on NBC. No doubt you've already heard this scuttlebutt on the news programs. The American Family Association, is currently showing a video clip of this crucifixion segment on their website. Recall the AFA is a Christian organization with 20+ years of being a media watchdog exposing media bias. The AFA is calling for support of a petition campaign to dissuade NBC from showing Madonna's concert presentation. I couldn't agree more.

Get involved and let your voice be heard.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Holy Innocents: prayers for victims of school shootings

Our nation's school children and families have suffered three school shootings this past week. Heck, we're all suffering. What parent isn't? Did you send your children to school today with an extra prayer for their safety? All I can say/pray is Lord, have mercy.

In the most recent incident, this powerful witness to Christian love and faith in action takes place in the midst of anguish:

The Amish have also been reaching out to the family
of the gunman. Dwight Lefever, a Roberts family spokesman, said an Amish
neighbor comforted the Roberts family hours after the shooting and extended
forgiveness to them.

"I hope
they stay around here and they'll have a lot of friends and a lot of support,"
Daniel Esh, a 57-year-old Amish artist and woodworker whose three grandnephews
were inside the school during the attack, said of the Robertses.

Huntington, the authority on the Amish, predicted
they will be very supportive of the killer and his wife, "because judgment is in
God's hands: `Judge not, that ye be not judged."
news source.


And so we pray:

We remember today, O God, the slaughter of the holy innocents of Bethlehem by King Herod. Receive, we pray, into the arms of your mercy all innocent victims; and by your great might frustrate the designs of evil tyrants and establish your rule of justice, love, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Source: Episcopal lectionary.

Lord God, whose blessed Son our Savior gave his body to be whipped and his face to be spit upon: Give us grace to accept joyfully the sufferings of the present time, confident of the glory that shall be revealed; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Source: The Book of Common Prayer 1979.

A Prayer for Surviving Friends

Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that while we lament the departure of Thy servant, we may always remember that we are most certainly to follow him. Give us grace to prepare for the last hour by a good and holy life, that we may not be taken unprepared by sudden death, but may be ever on the watch, that, when Thou shalt call, we may go forth to meet the Bridegroom, and enter with Him into glory everlasting. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O most wise and merciful Lord, Who hast ordained this life as a passage to the future, confining our repentance to the time of our pilgrimage here, and reserving for hereafter the state of punishment and reward; vouchsafee to us who are yet alive, and have still the opportunity to reconciliation with Thee,the grace so to watch over all our actions, and to correct every slightest wandering from the true way of heaven, that we may not be surprised with our sins uncancelled, or our duties unfulfilled; but when our bodies shall go down in the grave, our souls may ascend to Thee, and dwell with Thee forever in the mansions of eternal bliss.Through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour.Amen.
Source: Catholic.org.

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Walking with you

On October 15th at 8am, I'll be together with 40,000 of my dear friends on the banks of the Charles River in Boston, lacing up my sneakers for my TENTH ANNIVERSARY Walk for the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. I need your pledges for prayer and support (hopefully, the financial kind!)

As a survivor I've spoken to hundreds of women with this disease and we all say the same thing: WE COULDN'T HAVE SURVIVED WITHOUT YOU!!! You gave hope when ours was waning, strength when we were weak. Your smiles combated our frowns and frets, your compassionate shoulders received wet tears, and your calloused knees wrought unfailing prayers. In short, you were the hands and feet, head and heart, face and body of Christ.

So, even tho' I rarely walk any distances anymore, given my ailing hip, (next year I hope to walk with a new artificial one!) I will walk this one final lap for the sake of my sisters who suffer with this disease. I'll walk slow but proud, cautious but victorious. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

You can donate right now online by clicking on: my personal webpage for the American Cancer Society.

Thanks, from the bottom of my heart. You'll be walking with me with your pledge.

X's & O's,

Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn

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