New Features coming to this Blog!
This blog is a year old and I'm considering branching out. It's been a place for some writing, some thinking, some journaling. Each week as a grad student, I spend many hours delving into theology and all things Catholic-- besides living the hectic life of MOM. I expect that writing that's been the mainstay of this blog to continue, but I'd like to try to grow it a bit and be more resourceful--given the wealth and beauty that is at my disposal in my studies and in daily life. I'd like to serve my readers with information that may lead to better adult formation in the Catholic faith--after all, that's why I am doing a Masters in Theology! But I don't expect this to be a classroom or an overly intellectual pursuit. I'd prefer this to be more like friends sharing coffee or a couple of beers and talking about something great that they've read.
And so, I'd like to introduce the following features....
Writer's Wednesdays: This will be my opportunity to share snippets of some of the great theological works that I'm currently reading. And hopefully, it will be a place to inspire you with the written word--so you can become closer to The Word--penned by much deeper thinkers with much better credentials than little ol' me. Writer's Wednesdays will post on, uh, Wednesdays. See the post below.
Loving the Bride: The cornerstone of this blog is Christ. And so, I'd like to make a better effort to stand for him. Since The Church is the Bride of Christ, and Christ is never separated from his Church, I'd like to offer a weekly feature that spotlights all things Catholic. Remember that old rhyme that described what the bride wore?
Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue?
I'd like to mix it up a little each week with fun Catholic facts, theological insights, links from other Catholic blogs, and items that interest me (and hopefully you!) regarding the Church today.
For example:
Something old--this will be some teaching or interesting tidbit
from Church history from the early Church Fathers, or, let's say, anything
before Vatican II. Here we will mine treasures from the generations of faith
that came before us.
Something new--this might be a recent teaching from Rome, current
theology, or a news items that relates to Catholics.
Something borrowed--this will be interesting links taken from around the Catholic blogosphere
Something blue--This will be dedicated to Our Lady and will focus on
Marian devotions, teachings, and prayers.
Loving the Bride will post Fridays.
Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn
Good to browse your blog.
In Jesus,
Maria in the UK
Anonymous, at 5:23 AM
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