Greatest Hits --First Anniversary Edition
Here's a look back at some of my favorite posts this past year:
Beatitude is learning the walk of a saint while I am still stuck in a sinner's shoes. Complete post
Finding Jesus within my in-betweens means I don’t have to justify my existence...The dignity of being means that my life is precious right now, just as it is. Just to be is holy...And so I must choose to live in the freedom of that understanding, not waiting for the next step, the next job, the next phase, the next year, the next you-name-it. Complete post
Suddenly it all clicked. The rosary was something well suited to my stay-at-home life. I could pray it while nursing a baby, or while driving doing errands, or standing at the sink up to my elbows in dishes. I could teach it to my children and tell them the stories of Jesus and Mary. God’s blueprint for salvation was all there in the mysteries! Complete post
It all comes down to this: every day, there is always a reason to be on your knees. I truly believe that intercession, praying intentionally for others and ourselves, is a holy work. And just when I think my bad-news-o-meter is reaching overload, when my overwhelming desire is to just be underwhelmed, something comes to my rescue. Complete post
Some days, its the little things that just keep me laughing at myself and with God...Like the other day I attended a pot-luck lunch -- all the ladies brought some impressive home cooking creations. Me--I've been studying all week for a midterm--who has time to cook? I brought a soup tourine filled with my favorite heated Progresso canned soup! Three women marveled at the recipe! I laughed to myself at why I often get so twisted about making an impression...Complete post
Occasionally, we forgot that puppy proofing is as important as baby proofing. Alas, an AWOL packing peanut from the latest Amazon order was lurking under the dishwasher… and that became “Emergency vet visit #1 (don’t ask why we number them)” ... Complete post
Sometimes, when I am at Mass, and especially when I am missing someone I love, I imagine Jesus being the invisible link through the distance to that other person. Complete post
Fresh strawberries. Dark chocolate. Complete post
I never "rushed" my children to grow up. It was OK to linger until one was absolutely ready. But whether I wanted to embrace it or not, adolescence came right on schedule. Complete post
A small miracle was taking place in the hearts of all who prayed for this baby. Grown-ups and children alike began to see little Will, as their Christ Child this season — even if he missed his starring role in the Nativity play. Complete post
The Essentials: What are they, really, when I go before the Lord in prayer? Me + Him = the Relationship. Everything else is optional or non-essential. Complete post
My husband is keeping a scorecard when it comes to the winter snowstorms this year. It's not how many inches we are getting, but how many mailboxes on our street will be taken down by the town plows this time? Complete post
Longing is based on a secure knowledge that we are "together" even when we are apart. Longing awaits a reunion. Longing implies faith, hope and love. Loneliness, on the other hand, springs from the well of insecurity. It questions faith, forgets to hope, and turns inward, away from love. Complete post
Edit me, Lord Jesus! I am a creative work in your hands. Let my life reflect your Word, and not (so many of) mine. Amen. Complete post
Without trying to sound like a celebrate-the-moments-of-your-life advertisement, there’s just something tangibly important about the friends we choose, who bring warmth and companionship to our lives. Complete post
Its also sad to say that sometimes I'm more of a road warrior than a prayer warrior. Complete post
O Jesus, how imperfectly I keep my attentions while your attentions never waver or falter. Complete post
Discipline. Has the same root as "disciple." Complete post
You delight in their arrival, never grow tired of the ways they grow, and yet, you are still surprised when they do. You fight with them, fight for them, and then fight the tears when you learn the truth: you’ve worked all along to put yourself out of a job, and succeeded. Complete post
Depending on which side of the plate you are on, "strike out" can have different meanings. Complete post
I never thought this email thing, (and all things cyber) would ever catch on with me. Complete post
========================== being defined as frequent, unbridled, nonsense. Complete post
There are days that we meet our destiny straight on, and it's not a pretty sight. Complete post
College cafeteria food is not made for middle-age, hormonal women. Complete post
And the tears came. And I had to just yield to them...grateful I had pulled over, shrouded in the quiet womb of my automobile. For, indeed, it was the womb breaking forth that I needed to reckon with... my first-born leaving for college soon. Complete post
I'm learning more than ever that I have limitations and that means I have to lean more into Christ. Complete post
I came as a pilgrim that day to honor people I have never met in a town I never heard of, but will now never forget. Complete post
For my part, I did what I could for her and now I let her go to God. I will miss her smile and her company, but I will forever be enriched by her influence. Complete post
The little I know of her is that she loved to go camping. And often invited friends who were non-campers along for the fun. (Sounds like my kind of gal.) Complete post
The little mortifications of housework and family care were meant to sanctify me, to do the work on my soul that God intended. Complete post
There's a tipping point between effectively managing chaos and not. I'm on NOT today. Complete post
Let me catch your eye that you might see something more. Complete post
Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn
Congratulations - I've loved your blog ever since I found you! You should be incredibly proud of this past year. Keep up the great work! Lisa
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM
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