Write In Between

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm home now and hunkering down to watch Benedict XVI

First, a heartfelt THANK YOU to those of you (you know who you are) who have supported me in prayer for my Comps -- the mega final examination en route to my diploma, a Masters in Theology. Your intentions will be in my prayers by way of thanksgiving.

Second, I am happy to report that the exam, though challenging, was successfully negotiated and I am greatly relieved, and pretty confident that I passed. Although official notification is still 10-14 days away. (Oh yeah, I'll be sure to post that result.)

It's great to be home and I've got a list of things to do that I've been putting off since last fall. Schoolwork has dominated 40-60 hours a week of my life since then. But my first gift to myself is to simply unwind...

I intend to do alot of that in front of the television coverage of Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the USA.

Benedict XVI has recorded a pre-visit video of greeting to the USA. See his message here.

Welcome Papa!

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