Did you ever find a greeting card that captured exactly what you wanted to say? It was almost like a holy moment when you sent it, right? (And you prayed that the recipient would "get it?")
I often feel that way when I read the psalms. And I can sense that the Lord is pleased, when I "get it." I can almost hear the Lord speaking to me--the words are etched in my memory. And sometimes, the Lord uses the words of others, and they have the same effect.
In her book, Strong Women, Soft Hearts, Paula Rinehart gives a beautiful chapter on the language of the heart. In it, she talks about trusting God with our desires, our dreams. In fact, two years ago, a question from that chapter stopped me cold:
What would you begin to do, if you thought you could?
After I prayed about it, that little sentence moved me to change. It brought a new optimism to my spirit. It was like God used the exact words I needed to move me out of complacency.
Here's a little prayer exercise that Paula recommended: "In Psalm 63: 1-5, David considered the Lord the focus of his truest desire. Try writing his words in your words."
I did, and I went a bit beyond the number of words that David used, but it was very freeing. At first, my practical side did not want to mess with the scriptures (I am not a sacred writer!) But then, I relaxed and just used the text as a springboard for my own prayer--which was probably the writer's intent all along! This allowed me to enter into that scripture in a very personal way. In it, you'll hear me talk almost casually about my visit with the Lord as with a close friend. What I've discovered is that when I am that vulnerable with him, he does his best work in me.
Oh God, you are my God
and at 45
I am still searching and seeking for you.
My soul longs for you
even tho' you have sought me,
touched me,
and changed me.
But still, I need more.
I need your touch and your kiss.
I have looked at you
in the sanctuary at Mass
and today, as I am with you in the Adoration Chapel.
Your power and glory are truth and love.
Today they are tender and quiet:
allowing me to explore my heart in Your presence,
unafraid that I am not kneeling in pious prayer.
Your everyday steadfast love is easier to handle
than overwhelming majesty.
I can praise and love both, however.
So I will bless your name
and your presence,
whether back-door casual or front-door polite
for as long as I live.
I will lift up my hands
and my head to look you full in the face.
My soul is full with your intimate gaze and touch,
and I will praise you with my lips and with my life.
And I will know joy as I do.
Now, you try it.
Copyright 2006 Patricia W. Gohn
Beautiful. I am going to try it right now! I also think I need to start a journal. Thanks, Pat and God continue to bless you and your family! In Him, Diane
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM
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