Write In Between

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blog neglect

Once upon a time, there was a little corner of cyberspace that needed tending... I've always said this blog was something I kept "in between" the other pages of life.

Indeed, my blog has gone neglected as I try to squeeze in alot of living into the month of June. As you can see, we've recently celebrated my daughter Kate's graduation, (you can admire the non-cap-and-gown gowns her Catholic all-girl academy dons for their graduation, at left!)
Then, we were off to take a family vacation for a few days on the sunny beaches of Long Island.
Now, I'm about to attend the Catholic New Media celebration in Atlanta this Sunday June 22.
Then it's home to prepare for my upcoming hip replacement surgery! (Okay, maybe that's too much information, but its the truth! I needed the slower pace of the the summer to fit in such a big event!) Keep me in your prayers as I recover and recuperate this summer.
Thanks for checking in!

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